A unos 75 kilómetros de Johanesburgo, en Sudáfrica, se encuentra la ciudad de Sebokeng, donde Prem Rawat dio una conferencia el 6 de Diciembre de 2016. La ciudad sigue lidiando con la pobreza y la tensión racial que persiste como un prolongado efecto secundario del apartheid. Las noticias siguen insistiendo en que la violencia va en aumento y está cada vez más extendida, pero también hay otra historia. Son cada vez más numerosos los habitantes de Sebokeng que sienten entusiasmo por la paz, y escuchan el mensaje de Prem Rawat. En este evento, dijo: “Tienes que sentir la paz, no pensar en ella. La paz no tiene nada que ver con pensar, sino con ver, con saber, con sentir”. A uno de los asistentes, con serios problemas de personalidad -se llama a si mismo: El príncipe del sufrimiento- , Prem le respondió que solo una vela encendida puede encender las velas apagadas y le animó a que descubriera el poder de ser una vela encendida.
Escrito por Francisca Matos
My wish for you would be that in your life, you’re filled with love, you’re filled with peace, you’re filled with kindness, you’re filled with clarity, you’re filled with understanding—all those wonderful things that are accessible to us because we are alive.
- Prem Rawat
12:09 minutes; available to all on the app and website.
If life is a lottery, we all hold winning tickets. In this lively and often hilarious address from Edinburgh, Scotland, Prem talks about the importance of knowing—and being in peace with—ourselves, and making the most of this opportunity called life. Includes Prem answering texted questions from the live audience with Irish comedian Paddy Lennox as MC.
None of the things that are happening in your life actually have any weight. None of them. None of them have any weight, whatsoever. Except in your mind, you will give them weight. Except in your mind, you will give them gravity. Except in your mind, you will give them a size. Except in your mind you will give them an importance. Except in your mind, and only in your mind, they will weigh you down.
- Prem Rawat
00:00:00 - 00:05:27: MC welcome
00:05:27 - 00:07:11: Prem Rawat in Hiroshima (video)
00:07:11 - 00:13:52: Highlights from India
00:14:09 - 01:36:58: Prem Rawat
01:37:33 - 01:40:36: MC closing
01:40:36 - 01:43:48: PEAK Promo video
None of the things that are happening in your life actually have any weight. None of them. None of them have any weight, whatsoever. Except in your mind, you will give them weight. Except in your mind, you will give them gravity. Except in your mind, you will give them a size. Except in your mind you will give them an importance. Except in your mind, and only in your mind, they will weigh you down.
- Prem Rawat
00:00:00 - 00:05:27: MC welcome
00:05:27 - 00:07:11: Prem Rawat in Hiroshima (video)
00:07:11 - 00:13:52: Highlights from India
00:14:09 - 01:36:58: Prem Rawat
01:37:33 - 01:40:36: MC closing
01:40:36 - 01:43:48: PEAK Promo video
Relive the celebration of Prem’s birthday in Delhi on December 9th anytime you like, as often as you like. The Replay of the original LiveStream is now available in three languages—Hindi, English, Spanish, and French.
0:00:00 - 0:04:32 - Song (Indie Routes)
0:04:32 - 0:10:33 - Song (Jamat Khan)
0:10:33 - 0:11:45 - MC's welcome Prem Rawat
0:11:45 - 1:26:31 - Prem Rawat